Aim and Objectives:


The main aim of the Andhra Pradesh State Organic Products Certification Authority is to certify the agriculture, horticulture and plantation crops as Organic & GAP products by conforming to the requirements specified in National Standards for Organic Programme (NSOP) and IndG.A.P. certification scheme respectively, to give confidence and trust to all the stakeholders by an impartial and competent demonstration.


  • To provide organic & IndG.A.P. certification at a reasonable cost
  • To establish an efficient and transparent organic & GAP certification programme as per ISO/IEC 17065, NSOP under NPOP and IndG.A.P. compliance criteria.
  • To ensure that certified organic & IndG.A.P. products are in compliance with NSOP under NPOP and IndG.A.P. scheme under Quality Council of India (QCI).
  • To make available chemical residue free organic products to public through organic certification.
  • To ensure food safety and workers hygiene in production sites, promoting social, economic and environmental sustainability through IndG.A.P. certification.


APSOPCA shall certify the following activities

  • Organic certification

    • Crop Production (Individual farmers and Grower Groups)
    • Processing and Handling
    • Input approval
    • Wild harvest
  • IndG.A.P. certification 

    • Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
    • Combinable crops
    • Tea 
    • Green coffee
    • Spices
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